Saturday, March 31, 2012













十三歲那年我開始抽煙,跟著就吸大麻。十四歲就用搖頭丸和安非他命。我抽煙和吸食大麻是因為同輩的壓力、想成為他們的一份子。甚至因為面對交女朋友和分手 的壓力而吸大麻。那時,在學校中,盛行搖頭丸,和Rave 派對,我一下就通通學會了,而且就脫不了身。一開始時,我還覺得很不妥,但由於人人都用,我又喜歡那種很 Hi的感覺,就不顧後果地沉迷下去。



不過,母親還是知道了,她傷心欲絕,要我到晨曦會,我初來時,抱著很大的懷疑,我去過別的戒毒中心,但不認識這裡的人,而晨曦的治療是只用福音和聖經,他 們的規矩又很苛刻,不准抽煙、不能打機、不可以說髒話,要過18個月這種生活,簡直是不可能的事。我心中是很不願意,而且不相信這一套方法,但因為我已無 路可走。故此,我只好試一試。


我經歷到神,祂沒有放棄我,我透過聽媽媽的話來順服神,神就向我啟示我是一個怎樣的人。現在,我的人生和世界觀已不同,我知道雖然這世界仍是很可怕,但我 已經可以不必用藥品來面對人生,因為我己經相信了耶穌,只要我依靠祂,相信祂就行了。故此我在今天接受浸禮,表明我的心志,謝謝大家。

Computer Class for Beginners

Computer Class for Beginners
at MCI Concord
I was standing behind J. watching him animate his PowerPoint slide. It was the 11th week of a 12-week class in Basic Computer Skills offered to prisoners at MCI Concord. J., like many other students in this class had never in his life set hands on a keyboard or a mouse. Yet here they were, editing documents, making slides, and using spreadsheets.
Of course, these days, practically everyone is expected to be able to use a computer, even if only to get an “unskilled” job. With a little time and encouragement, computers have moved from being a barrier to being an asset for these men. There was a wide range of experience in this class, and everyone seemed to have a different idea of what a computer is and what it’s good for. What they all had in common was curiosity, an open mind, and a willingness to learn.
The computer class is a new project demonstrating the power of cooperation between the Department of Correction and CPO. The computer lab was assembled through the efforts of Deputy Supt. Karen DiNardo, using computers that were donated by the Computers for Schools program. The men at MCI Shirley Minimum take donated computers, refurbish them, and provide them for educational programs in our communities and in the prisons, thus learning by serving.
The new computer lab provides a classroom environment for nine students. CPO volunteers Eric Peters, Ray Andrews and Tom Lemaire, with the help of Tim Blancke, developed the 12-week curriculum that starts with basics like file systems, menus, and booting computers, and develops skills in word processing, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint.
If you are interested in volunteering, CPO is looking for people to expand this program to meet the growing demand. You don’t need to be an expert in computers. We train volunteers through apprenticing in existing classes. Computer skills help men get jobs and also build confidence that they can master new things. When you see the light in the eyes of a man who has just mastered a new skill, it makes it all worthwhile